"You prepare a table before me in the
presence of my enemies; you anoint my
head with oil; my cup overflows."

~ Psalm 23:5

FOR DISCERNMENT:  This particular post is intended to be a testimony to the mysterious power and workings of God... and in praise and thanksgiving to Him for His fatherly Love, Goodness, and Protection personally experienced by our members.  Furthermore, spiritual warfare is real, and the Lord is, without a doubt, actively assisting His children; sometimes visibly encouraging all who side with Heaven in the ongoing battle between good and evil.

In December 2022 and, again in December 2023, our Cohort Group witnessed two remarkable events, via the manifestation of "manna" on our statue of St. Michael the Archangel - see the footage below...


The manna is watery, clear, and salty (like tears)... and was observed on various parts of the statue, appearing like small dew drops, some of which dripped.  A subtle fragrance of lavender was sometimes detected.

"The king's wrath is as the
roaring of a lion; but his favour
is as dew upon the grass."

~ Proverbs 19:12

The Cohort expresses a deep love and devotion to St. Michael, our designated Patron.  As such, our beautiful statue is always prominently displayed during our biweekly meetings to represent the presence of the Archangel as our Leader.


Are these appearances of manna, or dew, heavenly affirmations of the spiritual presence and protection of God and St. Michael?  Our Cohort Team optimistically and discerningly believes so, and we are encouraged by it to continue in prayerful warfare against the forces of darkness... in union with our great Patron and his angelic forces.

"At that time there shall arise Michael,
the great prince, guardian of your
people; it shall be a time unsurpassed
in distress since the nation began
until that time..."

~ Daniel 12:1

All glory be to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit!

+ U P D A T E :  F E B R U A R Y  2 0 2 4 +

During the Cohort meeting on 2/28/2024, one of our members noticed something glistening on the statue.  Once the final prayer ended, all members present took a closer look at the statue and discovered parts of it coated with a thin layer of clear oily fluid, and small droplets that, again, resembled dew.  The image was dry prior to the meeting, but afterward, the moisture seemed to seep from inside of the statue to the surface - “coming through St. Michael's pores" - as one Cohort member described it.  We were amazed to say the least.


Again, our group desires to witness to the reality of God and of spiritual warfare.  A priest-advisor of the statue's custodian has also been made aware of these occurrences and provides ongoing guidance.

NOTICE:  The statements made herein are simply personal opinions. Although we interpret the fluid's appearances as blessed signs intended for the Cohort of St. Michael the Archangel, we make no definitive claims of miracles in regards to the manna.  Rather, we simply assess these occurrences as being presently "unexplained", while being open to the possibility of divine intervention.  After all, as Jesus clearly stated in the Gospel: "With God, all things are possible." (Matthew 19:26)

St. Michael, we stand with you!

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